Magic of Minimalism

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He is a magician when it comes to transforming wood. Pierme’s sculptures evoke qualities of architecture and nature, combining balance, energy, and movement. “I have an admiration for architecture,” he says. “And then, when I look at what nature does, I’m very admirative as well. So, what I’m often trying to do is take what I receive from the natural world and mix it with the human influence.” That contrast of the organic and mechanical typifies his love of tension and contradiction — the way color and positive-negative juxtaposition can create a
kinetic effect. The results are works of art of striking minimalistic elegance with a post-modern quality and sophistication.

The French artist recently celebrated his 25 year anniversary of living and working in the United States and this is his 4th solo show with HOHMANN.

You can learn more about Pascal Pierme and request a list of available works here: 


You are welcome to visit the exhibition anytime, but please call ahead to make sure that we are not busy with other clients: (760) 346-4243 Option 1

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